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Black & White Publishing


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Editing Included


Full Color Publishing


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Editing Included

Illustrations included

Children Book Publishing


Perfect for most books


Editing Included

Illustrations included

Why Choose Us?

We take a personal approach to your work to make sure your final piece is the book you’ve always wanted to publish. We guarantee personally review all manuscript submissions

Aithor have full control on book design process. All books publishing wrought Printery are well designed and have 100% success.

You’ll get dedicated attention from a full-service Printery project coordinator.

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Our Featured Authors

All the best performers bring to their role something more, something different than what the author put on paper. That's what makes theatre live. That's why it persists.

Veronika Tritos

America’s most popular suspense novelist puts his heart and soul into his script, creating each page full.

Debora Johnson

She is an American novelist, editor, and professor. Her novels are known for their epic themes.

Michael Breiw

He is an American author of young adult fiction, historian and creator of online educational videos.

Patrick O'connell

He is a French author, filmmaker, and poet. Patrick began his career writing sparse, gothic short stories.

Veronika Tritos

Author of young adult fiction

Donec semp ertet laciniate ultricie upi disse comete dolo lectus fgilla itollicil tua ludin dolor nec met quam accumsan…

Peter Vicek

 American novelist

Donec semp ertet laciniate ultricie upi disse comete dolo lectus fgilla itollicil tua ludin dolor nec met quam accumsan…

Roy Smith

Canadian science fiction writer

Donec semp ertet laciniate ultricie upi disse comete dolo lectus fgilla itollicil tua ludin dolor nec met quam accumsan…

Kety Terry

Author of women stories

Donec semp ertet laciniate ultricie upi disse comete dolo lectus fgilla itollicil tua ludin dolor nec met quam accumsan…

Andy Williams

 American novelist

Donec semp ertet laciniate ultricie upi disse comete dolo lectus fgilla itollicil tua ludin dolor nec met quam accumsan…

Tim Sullivan

Canadian science fiction writer

Donec semp ertet laciniate ultricie upi disse comete dolo lectus fgilla itollicil tua ludin dolor nec met quam accumsan…

Jessica Spenser

Canadian science fiction writer

Donec semp ertet laciniate ultricie upi disse comete dolo lectus fgilla itollicil tua ludin dolor nec met quam accumsan…

Kate Rae

Author of women stories

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